13. Look Away: Launch and Interact

Look Away: Launch and Interact

You can now launch and interact with simple_arm just as before:

$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch simple_arm robot_spawn.launch

Please note that if you are having trouble with roslaunch simple_arm robot_spawn.launch please try the safe_spawner.sh script in the scripts folder. You can launch by using $ ./safe_spawner.sh in a terminal of your choice.

After launching, the arm should move away from the grey sky and look towards the blocks. To view the camera image stream, you can use the same command as before:

$ rqt_image_view /rgb_camera/image_raw

To check that everything is working as expected, open a new terminal, source devel/setup.bash , and send a service call to point the arm directly up towards the sky (note that the line break in the message is necessary):

rosservice call /arm_mover/safe_move "joint_1: 0
joint_2: 0"

What happens?

Look Away service call results

Check all the things that happen to the arm after executing the rosservice call above:

  • The arm moves to point towards the sky.
  • The arm moves back to pointing towards the blocks.